Online platform Pinterest, which describes itself as a “visual discovery engine” for home, style and lifestyle inspiration, has listed ‘divorce party ideas’ as one of its most trending search terms. The number of Pinterest users searching for this has increased a huge 55% in recent months.

Party planners have also noticed an uplift in interest in divorce parties. Speaking to the Mirror, professional event planner Christine Gallagher said that many soon-to-be divorced people are taking inspiration from high-profile celebrity divorces.

But she also explained that these parties aren’t just excuses to let your hair down, and they’re certainly not as frivolous as they sound. A divorce party can serve a very important psychological and emotional purpose, for someone who has been going through a very difficult and upsetting time in their lives. Christine, who has arranged over 200 divorce parties over the last 15 years, said:

 “Divorce is devastating. We need an event to mark this huge life change.

 “All the other significant events in life have ceremonies or rituals. The party can mark the end of something, the beginning of the rest of her life.

 “The point of the party is to own what’s going on, to push aside old ideas of shame around divorce.”

 What happens at a divorce party?

Divorce parties tend to be quite personal in theme, as well as budget and scope. Some people opt to mark the occasion with dinner and drinks with friends and family, while others push the boat out with an extravagant party. Of course, these parties are budget dependent – and many divorcees may be feeling the pinch after all the legal bills have been paid.

Party planner Christine Gallagher told the Mirror about a few different divorce parties she’s planned for clients. One involved a luxury cruise with 60 guests along the coast of the USA, culminating in the guest of honour symbolically throwing her wedding ring into the ocean. Another was golf themed, for a client who’s partner had had an affair while claiming he was on the golf course.

Interestingly, some divorce parties are similar to weddings in how they’re planned, often featuring speeches and a cake. US-based event planner Crystal Marie told Metro Parent how these parties can offer a way for clients to say thank you to the people in their support network after a tough time in their lives. She also said:

“The party becomes more of a celebration of the journey. Clients won’t mention their opposite a lot. It is not a bashing type event. It is a celebration of a person, not the ending of a tragic marriage,”

“It brings a sense of closure to things and embraces change. As humans, we sometimes don’t like change and sometimes change brings out fear. My clients are like ‘Hey, I did this and overcame this. As fearful as it was, I’m not accustomed to change, but the future will be bright.'”

For expert legal advice you can trust, get in touch with Liverpool divorce solicitor Tracey Miller Family Law. We’re here to help you through your divorce, as painlessly as possible.